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Can We Trust the Bible?
God’s Word: Romans 15:4b, The Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God’s promises to be fulfilled. 2 Timothy 3:14-17, You must remain faithful to the things you have been taught. You know they are true, for you know you can trust those who taught you.15 You have been taught the holy…
Expecting Answers
As a young Christian, Charles Finney watched other Believers, and listened to their words. He observed that “the prayers I had listened to from week to week were not, that I could see, being answered.” In fact, nothing seemed to happen: “In their prayer and conference meetings they would continually confess that they were making…
True Heroes
Recently, there have been acts of heroism in the news. Three Americans preventing a blood bath on a train in Europe; firefighters loosing their lives saving people and property from wildfires out west and of course, police officers saving lives and officers loosing their lives protecting the citizens of their particular jurisdiction. We need heroes….
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Connection Group5175 Sunset Blvd Suite G (Behind Mcallisters Deli) Lexington, SC 2907207:00 PM
Sunday Service5175 Sunset Blvd. Rear, Suite G, Lexington, SC 2907211:00 AM
Connection Group5175 Sunset Blvd Suite G (Behind Mcallisters Deli) Lexington, SC 2907207:00 PM
Sunday Service5175 Sunset Blvd. Rear, Suite G, Lexington, SC 2907211:00 AM