True Heroes

Recently, there have been acts of heroism in the news. Three Americans preventing a blood bath on a train in Europe; firefighters loosing their lives saving people and property from wildfires out west and of course, police officers saving lives and officers loosing their lives protecting the citizens of their particular jurisdiction. We need heroes.

Psalm 16:3(NLT), “The godly people in the land are my true heroes! I take pleasure in them!”

In the midst of a psalm focused on God’s faithfulness, David paused to reflect on particular people he admired. These were his “true heroes.” The Hebrew word here often is translated “nobles” or “the mighty.” Clearly, these people were different. They stood out from the crowd.

David was not fooled by the outward appearance of those who might appear to prosper. Instead, he focused anew on obeying God: “I will not take part in their sacrifices of blood or even speak the names of their gods.”

David realized he could trust in God, for the Lord was his “inheritance, my cup of blessing.” He knew that he could commit everything he had to Him, and that He would “guard all that is mine.” He remembered all the ways God had blessed and provided for him: “The land you have given me is a pleasant land. What a wonderful inheritance!”

David focused on serving God through every experience: “I will bless the Lord who guides me; even at night my heart instructs me.” He knew God always was with Him. Because “He is right beside me,” David knew he would “not be shaken.” He could rejoice and be glad, and he could rest in safety. He knew that God would “show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.”

It was in this context that David commented about his “true heroes”—people in whom he took pleasure. These were people who provided examples for him, those he admired and appreciated.

All of us need heroes in our lives—godly examples we can emulate.

In your life, seek to be a hero to others. Live in such a way that they want to be like you and follow your example. And also make sure to show appreciation to those whose have been heroes to you.


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